📔 Rough Drafts: an experiment.

The Jinx of an Introduction

Written: • Categories: Blogging
⌛ Reading time: 1 minute

“Apparently I am pushing a jinx about the streets. I am certain that I can do better with some other wagon. A new cart, a new start.”
–John Kennedy Toole, Author

Here I am, writing my first blog post inside my cozy bedroom. Outside is the typical Canadian winter that I can luckily avoid by staying in and writing.

It’s a jinx to write up introduction posts, no question about it. Right below them—nine times out of ten—is a copyright footer. Too often do writers just abandon whatever project they had in mind right after the first post. You’ll never see an introduction written on a wildly successful website, it’s too full of other things.

Which I usually take as a tragedy, the matter of potential that’s been wasted. My mind wanders to the question to where are they now?, but this is a subject that I could write an entire post about.

And yet, there is a compulsive human need to write one up, and for me that’s trumped logic.

What’s the trick? Keep it short and sweet.

About B. Kenneth Brown

Photo of B. Kenneth Brown Hey there! 😄 My name is Kenneth, I'm a 26-year-old queer Métis writer and FOSS web developer from Winnipeg, Manitoba and currently reside in Calgary, Alberta. I'm currently studying to obtain a degree in Honours English at Mount Royal University. I'm looking to help those that need web development work done, or searching for ideas and management for their next content project.